“To know God without being God-like is like trying to swim without entering the water.” Orest Bedrij Underneath all we are taught, there is a voice that calls to us beyond what is reasonable, and in listening to that flicker of spirit, we often find deep healing. This...
“When Akiba was on his deathbed, he bemoaned to his rabbi that he felt he was a failure. His rabbi moved closer and asked why, and Akiba confessed that he had not lived a life like Moses. The poor man began to cry, admitting that he feared God’s judgement. At this,...
“Love, and do what thou wilt.” Saint Augustine It was a curious thing. Robert had filled the bathtub and put the fish in the tub, so he could clean their tank. After he’d scrubbed the film from the small walls of their make believe deep, he went to retrieve them. He...
“No matter how dark, the hand always knows the way to the mouth.” Idoma Proverb (Nigeria) Even when we can’t see, we know how to feed ourselves. Even when the way isn’t clear, the heart still pumps. Even when afraid, the air of everything enters and leaves the lungs....
“We must take turns; diving into all there is and counting the time.” The gift and responsibility of relationship is to take turns doing the dishes and putting up the storm windows, giving the other a chance to dive for God without worrying about dinner. While one...