“We could never have guessed, we were already blessed, where we are….” James Taylor This reminds me of a woman who found a folded sponge all dried and compressed, and tucked inside the hardened fold was a message she’d been seeking. She carried the hardened sponge...
“The coming to consciousness is not a discovery of some new thing; it is a long and painful return to that which has alway been.” Helen Luke Each person is born with an unencumbered spot – free of expectation and regret, free of ambition and embarrassment, free of...
“Lead us from the unreal to the real.” Hindu Invocation It was a snowy night, and Robert was recalling the time two springs ago when he was determined to pain the family room. Up early, he was out the door, to the hardware store gathering the gallons of red, the...
Of all things that exist, we breathe and wake and turn it into song. There is a Buddhist precept that asks us to be mindful of how rare it is to find ourselves in human form on Earth. It is really a beautiful view of life that offers us the chance to feel enormous...