“In the end, everyone is aware of this: nobody keeps any of what he has, and life is only a borrowing of bones.” Pablo Neruda Three years from my surgeries, I am taking a shower, and there, on my head, along the scar, is the beginning of a pimple. In thirty seconds, I...
“To birth the baby and to dwell on the baby at the same time engenders madness.” Chogyam Trungpa Try as we will, we cannot be both participant and observer at the same time without splitting ourselves. Madness it seems is the cost of splitting ourselves in the midst...
Being true to who we are means carrying our spirit like a candle in the center of our darkness. If we are to live without silencing or numbing essential parts of who we are, a vow must be invoked and upheld within oneself. The same commitments we pronounce when...
From the beginning, the key to renewal has been shedding, the casting off of old skin. The Polynesians say the world began when Taaora—their name for the Creator—woke to find himself growing inside a shell. He stretched and broke the shell, and the Earth was...
“In one atom are found all the elements of the earth; in one motion of the mind are found all the motions of existence; in one drop of water are found all the secrets of the endless oceans; in one aspect of you are found all the aspects of life.” Kahlil Gibran As...