The dream is awakened when thinking I love you and life begins when saying I love you, and joy moves like blood when embracing someone with love. Though life sometimes begins in the head, the full body of joy cannot be known there. We all have experienced this...
“All tempest has, like a navel, a hole in its middle, through which a gull can fly, in silence.” Fourteenth Century Japanese, Anonymous From across the centuries, this nameless voice tells us that at the heart of all struggle there is a peaceful enduring center, if we...
“To direct the mind towards the basic unity of all things and to divert it from the seizing of differences – therein lies bliss.” Tojo-Bindu Upanishad The eye can see what we have in common or focus on what keeps us apart. And the heart can feel what joins us with...
As long as we see what has come to pass as being unfair, we’ll be a prisoner of what might have been. This is a very painful issue to discuss for most of us, because so much of how we see the world hinges on a sense of fairness and justice, those truly noble human...
Before fixing what you’re looking at, check what you’re looking through. It was a beautiful sun filled day. I had driven 300 miles to see her. She was ninety – and had been in one room for close to eight months. I was her first-born grandson and she was so...